Friday, May 10, 2013

[slow down and smell the flowers... at the grocery store]

Landon looking at the neon fishes at Walmart.

Grocery store shopping has not always been one of my favorite things to do and after I had my son, Landon, I dreaded it. I was so afraid he would start screaming in the middle of the store and I would have to leave and walk out with nothing in my cart. But somehow, grocery shopping quickly became one of the things I liked most in our weekly chores. Mostly because it got us out of the house. I quickly began to like Meijer the best because of the different amounts of things they carry. They have everything from light appliances, furniture, plants, flowers, cards, magazines, baby clothes, candles, food, music...actually I can't think of anything they don't have. 

So to get to my at a large scale grocery store has almost become a field trip for Landon and I. He has always been wonderful to take places, but I do take some credit for that because I dragged him out to when we had nothing to do! At some point during our week, there was always an excuse to go to the store and if there isn't then you don't have to buy anything!! You can go to the store and no one gives you crazy looks if you have an empty cart. 

I love the big grocery stores because I have the opportunity to introduce Landon to so many new things, bright colors, pretty smells all while trying not to spend any money. So Landon is still little (a year old to be exact) and grocery store shopping is still a great time. I do take a toy, a snack and sometimes a bottle, but now it's even more fun. Today we went to Walmart and we did some light shopping. Then talked to the pretty gold fish, neon fish, and the not so pretty fish in the big blue aquariums.  He was so intrigued by the movement and colors of the fish along with all of the bright colored tanks! 

Now I take time to show him things at the store. We don't rush around anymore, which is most likely why I disliked going so much before Landon. I would try to get in and out as fast as possible without talking to anyone. Now, we take time to stop to smell the flowers, touch cold things, open a book, read a sign, point out colors, talk to fellow shoppers, play with a balloon, sing a little song and sometimes we forget we are even in the grocery store. I know you must think that this is crazy especially if you have more than one child but I still think it can work with older children also. There's so many games to play with kids at the store and it can be a real adventure. This does take more time and I really recommend you don't go during a busy hour. And if this doesn't work then I say somehow go to the store by yourself late at night, at least that works best for me. Just remember there's more than groceries at the store and you might find yourself having some great one-on-one time with your little one. 

The next step to summer fun on a budget is a bucket look for this one soon! I'm working on a big list to fill our summer growing up in Indy!

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